“Bolt is an infertile couple’s best friend….After all, her difficult experience is destined to make others feel better. Infertility has a profound effect on hearts and pocketbooks, but with a martini glass in hand, Bolt promises comfort and humor to those hoping for as happy an ending as this book delivers.”
“Stacy Bolt has written the perfect memoir—one that is so smart and funny and full of heart that it transcends what it’s about and becomes instead, quite simply, a book about all of us.”
“Stacy Bolt…tells the unvarnished, wicked truth about the modern quest for motherhood. Forget everything you thought you knew about infertility and adoption. Bolt’s experience is harrowing and darkly hilarious.”
“Step into this memoir and you will be greeted at the door with a martini and a cozy seat in the middle of the heartbreaking, hopeful, and sometimes ridiculous world of infertility, guided by Bolt’s sure, witty, and heart-wise voice throughout.”